Green building Certification of Organic Conformity
Bernasconi Furnace has acquired the ICEA Certificate (Institute for Environmental Ethics Certification) which certifies green building materials under ANAB standard. The characteristics measured relate to the area of environmental sustainability. The approach used by the certification refers to the entire product life cycle; the environmental quality of raw materials and products, the sustainability of the production process, end disposal and the safety of workers and users. ICEA certifications goes beyond on embracing environmental sustainability, social ethics and respect for employees.


The CE mark is a graphical representation that means the applied product complies with the European regulations in terms of production and market placing; certifying that the material complies with the guidelines provided in respect of safety, public health and consumer protection.
The cartouche is the certificate that accompanies the goods subject to CE mark and informs the customer about the essential characteristics of the marketed product and on its intended use.